Choose your adventure.
3-7 Day tours for experienced cyclists with a high level of endurance. Most days consist of 50-60 mile rides with at least 1000 feet of elevation change per 10 miles. A mixture of surface types adds extra toughness to the routes.
Test your mettle with the adventure of a lifetime.
2-4 Day tours for cyclists with a moderate to high level of fitness. Most days consist of 30-40 mile routes with 600-800 feet of elevation change. Not quite ready to go for the epic level tour? This are a great option.
2-3 Day relaxation focused events. Best for the entry level or casual cyclist looking for a few fun days on the bike. Most routes consist of 20-30 miles of less challenging terrain. The focus here is food, drinks, and fun. Spend the morning riding and the rest of the day exploring the city.