Champagne, it's not just for breakfast.

Anyone that knows the gravel scene in the US knows that there are a few hallmark, don't-miss events. One of those is undoubtedly SBT GRVL, whose claim to fame is the best “champagne gravel” in the nation. Gravel connoisseurs will understand how much difference there is between gravel surfaces and just how much that can change the course of one’s day on the bike. We can now attest that the dirt roads in Steamboat Springs truly are the champagne of gravel.


I first heard about SBT before their inaugural edition in 2019. Personally I'd never been to Steamboat but everyone knows Colorado is magical and this whole "champagne" thing really had me intrigued. My wife and I made the pilgrimage for the 2019 event and were so impressed by the event and the course it became a yearly tradition. 2020… well y'all all know what happened in 2020, so that event didn’t happen. Flash forward to 2022 and we decided to make it a NeverLost event.


Like with most events in the gravel scene, the popularity of the SBT event has skyrocketed. So much so that it's now a lottery to get in. NeverLost entered as a team and brought 4 riders - Spencer, Ray, Jonny, and Kat. We won our slots and teamed up with Colin from Acme Bike Co. in New York to make the journey together. We also picked up another teammate in our good friend Shawn from Halfway Crooks!

 We were super stoked to be selected and felt like a few days of riding were in order. When we arrived in Denver our first order of business was to climb lookout mountain. Not the hardest climb out there but certainly one of the best. We managed to hit it right at sunset which offered a beautiful view at the top and a thrilling night time descent back into town. 


After much rental car drama we were off to steamboat. It's a lovely 3 hour drive west and almost to Wyoming. Steamboat is a charming little town and it's absolutely busting at the seams for this event. It's clear why they limit the attendance.

 The day before the race we got to tour the moots factory. That was both humbling and impressive. They make some top top titanium bikes in the industry and it all started in a tiny building in Steamboat Springs in 1981! And then, a very technical bike tech rundown from each rider in the group. Highly valuable insights.

Race day cometh. Everyone had their strategy planned out but "everyone has a plan til they get punched in the face" as they say. The race kicked off and the pace was immediately high. I remember thinking, oh shit, can I keep this up for 100miles? There's always that fine balance of staying in the group (and therefore exerting far less effort) and dropping the pace (but going solo). See video evidence ☝️.


Tensions were high, elbows we're rubbing, I took a handlebar end to the thigh, but after 10 miles or so it mellowed and the nerves died down. My goal was to chase Colin as long as I could. Colin… who can basically take a KOM at will. Not a great plan but hey, it got me through the initial stage of the race. Colin went on to finish 4th on the day in his category!


Somewhere around mile 15 I knew I had to drop my pace. I just couldn’t do 100 miles red-lined. Shortly after, I scooped up Ray and we spent about the next 60 miles together. The effects of altitude for a flatlander like myself were very apparent. The flats felt fine but the second things started going UP I felt like I was riding a lead bike.


The unique thing about steamboat is that it's just so dang beautiful it's hard to get in the hole and have a bad time. Every time I started feeling down, something cool would happen, like the single track section near steamboat lake.


99.6 miles from the start we finally arrived back on Yampa street. I got a cheeky little sprint in with a race buddy and finished right alongside Reggie Miller! Crusty, dusty, salty, and cracked, I gulped down the best beer I'd ever had. Shortly after, the thunderstorms rolled in and we spectated the finish. The whole town is buzzing with that post race euphoria. It’s great vibes all around. 


Steamboat is one of the best days you'll have on the bike. It's something I'll aim to do as a yearly event. Here's hoping we're lucky in the lottery again this year 🤞 


NeverLost X Acme


Austin Texas